

by Caitriona Cairns 01 November 2017, 13:48

Category: Students Union Petition

Voting closed



At our Student Union Forum, a motion was passed mandating Liverpool Hope Students Union and Sabbatical Officers to object to the change in Dissertation and coursework deadlines and to call for the University to change the deadline from March, to a late April or early May date.

Liverpool Hope Students' Union, therefore, objects to the current Dissertation deadline on the grounds that:

  • The limited working timeframe caused by both the early Coursework and Dissertation deadline dates will cause students to perform badly in both forms of assessments, as students will not receive sufficient enough time to complete work to an acceptable, good, professional standard; thereby effecting on their overall degree classification.
  • The new deadline will put students with disabilities, mature students and students with other full-time responsibilities such as caring responsibilities, at an unfair disadvantage to other students in their cohort.
  • The Equality Act 2010 specifies that the University, in its role as a Public Authority must show due regard to the need to “Advance equality of opportunity between all persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.” However, the change in practice with regards to Dissertation and Coursework deadlines discriminates against students who have a protected characteristic under the Equality Act and puts them at an unfair disadvantage to others.


Therefore, I hereby submit this petition signed by Third Year Students of Liverpool Hope University, to Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. Penny Haughan; in the hope that the early Dissertation and Coursework deadline decision will be changed to a late April or early May date, after consultation with Liverpool Hope Students Union.




Feidhelm Doolin

Vice President Education

Liverpool Hope Students Union





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    AMANDA ORME   wrote, 15-11-2017 - 13:09

    It is vitally important that students dissertation deadline is extended to achieve the standard of work we want

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    AYESHA LOHAR   wrote, 19-11-2017 - 00:52

    As mature students, no amount of time management will assist us in presenting our best work if the deadline cannot be extended. We are currently completing two assignments while considering the next stages of our research projects as well as fulfilling work and family commitments. A revised deadline allows us to present our best efforts across all our work and reduce the levels of stress that this tight schedule is causing. I hope this petition is successful as it will help many, many students.

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    JESSICA ANDERSEN   wrote, 19-11-2017 - 16:40

    It is very important that students dessertation deadline to be extended so that we can achieve a good work. I hope if it is successful many students will benefit from it.

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